News and Events
#HappyNewYear2023 to all!
TO: His Excellency Hassan Sheikh Mohamud
The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia
CC: The Somali Federal Parliament
CC: The Somali Senate
CC: The International Community
CC: The World Bank
CC: The International Monetary Fund
CC: The International Finance Corporation
On May 23, 2022
Your Excellency,
Subject:: Application to Take Up the Office of the Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Somalia (Daarood Tanade/Leelkase)
I, Al-Haji Dr. Badal Kariye hereby officially submitted my official candidacy to the Office of the Somali Federal Prime Minister, and I believe that I am a social progressive in optimistic pragmatism. Truly, I was born in Mogadishu where I started and finished my primary and secondary education before joining Somalia’s elite unit of the Secret Code commonly known as “Baqa-Qarsoon.”
After I fled from Mogadishu, Somalia in early 1991 to Nairobi, Kenya where I have been living since 1991 to September 26,2006 before I migrated to the United States of America.
Mr. President Hassan, I have several degrees and diplomats from very prestigious universities around the world as you will read in my curriculum vitae, and I am also Somali political analyst whose mission is to run public office and help the needy so, this is the second time we, the People of the Federal Republic trusted you to become our President.
Well, Mr. President Hassan, this is the second time that I am personally requesting to be nominated to the Office of the Somali Federal Prime Minister in order to give a golden opportunity to the Somali youth, people and the Somali civil society.
Mr. President Hassan, we met at the Somali Reconciliation Summit in Kenya where I was working as an International Expert for conflict resolution and recovery strategy with the Assistance of the International Community. .
In God’s will, please you are now our officially elected and sworn-in President of the Federal Republic of Somalia his Excellency Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, be wise to choose a very social and humble Prime Minister who can work and uplift Somalia with you along the way.
I am not a puppet to the interests of the regional and international community, and I understand well how we can revive and resolve Somalia’s fragile crisis definitively with the help of Allah.
Best Wishes,
AL-Haji Prof.Dr. Badal W. Kariye
Author of 108 Published Books, Former Somali Security Expert, Diplomat and Media Mogul
Minneapolis MN USA
We forgive everyone.
Minneapolis on Saturday 14, 2017 Aniga oo ah Qoraa Dr. Badal Kaariye waxaan tacsi u dirayaan qoysaskii iyo qaraabadii ay ka geeriyoodeen dadkii masaakiinta ahaa ee Muqdisho lagu halaagay, waxaan dadka dhaawacan u rajaynayaa inuu Illaahay sida ugu dhaqsaha badan u caafiyo.
Know the Facts about Somalia’s Attendances in Delusional Conferences
My advice to Somalis and #Somalia’s Leaders is very simple, let’s hold every conference in our homeland – Somalia where we can sit under the shady acacia three. Surely, we are fed up with the regional and internationalized geopolitical interventions which had been dragging out our internal clashes since 1978 until now on.
So far, we know that every member of Lower and Upper Houses of Representatives either spent money to take up and grab their seats or they got bribes to vote in interesting presidential candidate illegally or Prime Minister’s approval in order to get a cabinet post or other financial support in terms of needs in the near future.
And we still have not appointed the Somali Judiciary Commission to do and take care of legal activities in Somalia therefore; corruption is still normal practice among top Somali leaders.
By the way, many of the Lower and Upper Houses of Representatives are trying their best to represent foreign entities rather than Somali people whom they have already deprived their rights, and it is the best time to stop such illegal practices in Somalia if we want to see prosperous Somalia.
Somalia needs transparency, accountability and trustworthy, and if there is no Somali Judiciary Commission then corruption is as normal practice as most Somalis do drink for tea or seek for Khat/Miraa!
Let’s all comply with and enforce the Somali Constitution!
Foreigners won’t help us unless we stand together.
Best Wishes,
Dr. Badal Kariye
Author of 104 Books, Investigative Journalist, Security Expert, Entrepreneur and Diplomat.